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Reasons for the rise in park models in Retirement Communities

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Park model homes are increasingly gaining popularity among retirement communities. A report of the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey, 2022 says that around 3.2 million adults above 60 own a park model home, or 31% of adults living in park model homes.

Living in a park model home is an emerging trend among retirement communities, where residents seek comfort, affordability, and freedom. But what exactly is surging this immense popularity? Let’s explore the reasons behind the rise in park models in retirement communities.

Here Are The Reasons For Rise In Popularity In Retirement Communities:

1. Affordability:

Retirement often comes with a fixed income, making financial considerations easy in housing decisions. Park model homes offer a cost-effective solution compared to traditional homes or apartments. 

A park model home’s initial purchase price and ongoing maintenance costs are typically lower than that of a standard house. With fewer rooms to heat, cool, and maintain, utility bills tend to be lower, contributing to long-term affordability. 

Moreover, many retirees find that downsizing to a park model home frees up equity from their previous home, providing additional financial security in retirement.

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2. Downsizing without Sacrifice:

Downsizing can be scary, especially for those accustomed to larger living spaces. Park model homes, however, demonstrate that downsizing doesn’t have to mean sacrificing comfort or amenities. These homes are thoughtfully designed to maximize space efficiency, with every square foot precisely being utilized. 

Despite their smaller footprint, park model homes often feature open floor plans, high ceilings, and clever storage solutions to create a sense of spaciousness. Retirees can enjoy home comforts, from modern kitchens to luxurious bathrooms, in a more manageable size.

3. Community Living:

Retirement is not just about finding a place to live but a community where one can thrive socially and emotionally. Park model homes are situated within vibrant retirement communities, fostering a strong sense of belonging and togetherness among residents. 

These communities offer a variety of amenities and organized activities, such as fitness classes, social clubs, and community events, providing ample opportunities for socialization and recreation. 

Whether participating in a game of cards with neighbors or enjoying a swim in the community pool, retirees can build meaningful connections and create lasting friendships within their park model community.

4. Flexibility and Mobility:

Retirement often brings with it a desire for newfound freedom and flexibility. Park model homes offer the mobility and adaptability that many retirees crave. Unlike traditional houses, which are rooted in a specific location, park models are often designed to be movable. 

This mobility allows retirees to pursue their dreams of travel or exploration without the burden of homeownership tying them down. Whether spending winters in a warmer climate or embarking on a cross-country road trip, park model homeowners can pick up and move as they please without the problem of selling or uprooting their entire lives.

5. Enjoying a Simplified Lifestyle:

In a world characterized by excess and clutter, many retirees are drawn to the simplicity and minimalism offered by park model living. 

Downsizing to a park model home encourages residents to prioritize experiences over possessions, leading to a more fulfilling and intentional way of life. With less space to accumulate belongings, retirees are freed from material possessions and can focus on what brings them joy and fulfillment.

Park model living promotes a more streamlined and simplified lifestyle, allowing retirees to embrace the things that matter most to them in their golden years.


The rise in popularity of park model homes among retirees can be attributed to their affordability, space efficiency, sense of community, flexibility, and promotion of a simplified lifestyle. These small-sized dwellings offer retirees the opportunity to live comfortably, affordably, and with a strong sense of belonging, making them an attractive option for those beginning their next chapter in retirement.

Picture of Jodi Rogers

Jodi Rogers

Jodi Rogers, co-founder of Phoenix Park Models, is all about turning park model homes into big dreams. When you reach out to Phoenix, you will work directly with Jodi on creating your own park model home dream!

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